According to computer scientist Karola Marky, whether government software in Germany is secure or not is currently down to luck. She calls for more open source solutions so that the good guys, too,…
Wireless communication (WiFi) has become an indispensable part of the modern digital infrastructure, from homes to hotels and public institutions. However, security remains a critical issue.
Is it possible to benefit from the convenience of online voting and the security of a paper ballot in one comprehensive package? IT security researchers explored this question.
Yuval Yarom presents the papers ‘SLAP’ and ‘FLOP’ together with researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology at IEEE SP 2025 and USENIX Security 2025.
Every year in February, we celebrate the Computer Science Day. The networking event invites all interested parties, RUB members, partners of the faculty and, of course, faculty members to spend an…
The Faculty of Computer Science cordially invites all interested parties to Prof. Katharina Kohls inaugural lecture “Towards more secure and privacy-freindly smart devices” on 18.12.2024, starting at…
Automated social media profiles are a powerful tool for spreading propaganda. They often feature AI-generated profile pictures. Researchers are currently looking into ways of identifying such images.
On November 14, 2024 at 1 PM, the workshop "Empowerment and Career Sponsorship as the keys to diversifying leadership in tech" with Dr. Diana B. Allen takes place at MC 4-112, RUB.
The Faculty of Computer Science cordially invites all interested parties to Prof. Veelasha Moonsamy’s inaugural lecture “Towards more secure and privacy-freindly smart devices” on 13.11.2024, starting…
CASA PI Yuval Yarom (Chair for Computer Security) has been awarded two Distinguished Paper Awards at the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2024 in Salt Lake City, USA. The…
The Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy is scheduled to be completed by 2027. The CASA Cluster of Excellence, the Horst Görtz Institute and the Faculty of Computer Science will also find a…
Ruhr University Bochum is one of Germany’s leading research universities, addressing the whole range of academic disciplines. A highly dynamic setting enables researchers and students to work across…
Until September 30, early-stage startups have the opportunity to apply for batch #6 of the inCUBE incubator program and benefit from individual coaching and a strong network. In addition to teams in…
CASA PI Peter Schwabe and CASA Speaker Eike Kiltz were involved in the development of three of the four post-quantum cryptography (PQC) methods selected for standardization by the US National…
Dr. Christian Mainka and Dr. Vladislav Mladenov, both CASA Associated PIs, from the Chair of Network and Data Security received the Excellent Teaching Award from the student body for their "Message…
The graduate school SecHuman cordially invites you to the conclusion of the second funding phase on October 1, 2024, at the Veranstaltungszentrum of Ruhr University Bochum.
MPI-SP’s Founding Director and CASA PI Christof Paar, as well as co-authors Jan Pelzl and Tim Güneysu (also CASA-PI) release a new edition of the most popular cryptography textbook.
The newly appointed professor has been passionate about computer science since her childhood and moved from Mauritius to the world to pursue it. Today, she encourages other women to follow her path in…
The Early Career Researchers of our Cluster of Excellence CASA spent a day exchanging interdisciplinary perspectives on their research at Beckmanns Hof, Ruhr University Bochum (RUB).
RUB's official CTF team, the FluxFingers, organized an introductory event for female ITS students to get them acquainted with the topic of "Capture the Flag".
"I am an academic with all my heart," states Bilal Zafar. After several years in industry, the computer scientist has returned to university, advocating for diversity and fairness.
Peter Schwabe has been appointed Director at the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy (MPI-SP) in Bochum to lead the development of new cryptographic systems.
In our mini series, Principal Investigators from our Cluster of Excellence CASA share what has inspired them in their first year at our research location in Bochum, Germany. This time, Karola Marky is…
Lukas Stennes, Shahram Rasoolzadeh, and Gregor Leander are honored with the Best Paper Award at the "Fast Software Encryption Conference" in Leuven, Belgium.
The newly appointed Professor for System Security is looking forward to joining the Faculty of Computer Science and returning to her beloved Ruhr region.
On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on February 11, CASA researchers share their perspectives on the relevance of diverse teams in research.
The Faculty of Computer Science cordially invites all those interested to Prof. Karola Marky’s inaugural lecture “Digital sovereignty in a world that runs on shared data” on 21 February 2024 from 3…
In our mini series "One Year at CASA", Principal Investigators from our Cluster of Excellence CASA share what has inspired them in their first year at our research location in Bochum, Germany. This…
From March 19 to 20, 2024, the Cluster of Excellence CASA - Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries and the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy (MPI-SP) are hosting the Hardware…
The Faculty of Computer Science cordially invites all interested parties to Prof Yuval Yarom’s inaugural lecture “Processor Security – Fighting a Losing Battle” on 18 January 2024 from 3 pm!
From March 22 to 24, 2024, the second Creative.Minds workshop will take place in Bochum, specifically designed for women interested in hacking and CTF challenges.
With their work "Terrapin Attack: Breaking SSH Channel Integrity By Sequence Number Manipulation", researchers uncover critical vulnerabilities in the Internet standard SSH, which is used over 15…
Solana is a fast-growing blockchain that allows decentralized apps to be developed and brought to market. Using a new analysis method, a research team from paluno - The Ruhr Institute for Software…
Monitoring whether states are complying with disarmament treaties is not an easy task. An international team has been exploring remote monitoring with the help of two antennas and a couple of mirrors.
2018, the Spectre attack revealed critical security vulnerabilities in numerous systems that could be exploited to harvest sensitive data. The implementation of countermeasures is supposed to protect…
As part of the internationally renowned Ars Electronica Festival 2023, the artwork APES, created during our cluster's art-science residency by media artist Marco Barotti, was showcased.
Using an innovative approach, scientists from Bochum, Germany, together with international colleagues, have created a new level of security for caches in electronic devices.
Many people with statutory health insurance don’t understand the digital infrastructure behind electronic health records. One issue in particular raises concerns.
Sponsored by the Cluster of Excellence CASA, hackers from the Ruhr University Bochum travel to Las Vegas to try to bring a satellite under their control.
From 27 to 29 June, 2023, the Cluster of Excellence CASA invited outstanding female* students, PhDs and postdocs from the field of IT security to the Women in Security and Cryptography (WISC) workshop…
Intelligent monkeys, mathematical hunter fences and holes in a computer case - find out what all this has to do with IT security in a special issue of Rubin.
The award recognizes her outstanding scientific achievements and her commitment to the advancement and equality of women in the field of computer science.
Who has ever been hit by cybercrime? How do people protect themselves from it? A survey reveals similarities and differences between different groups around the world.
Humans often have no chance whatsoever of distinguishing artificially created images, audio or videos from the real deal. This is why researchers are working on automated recognition.
Uta Menges and Jonas Hielscher want to lift the label of being a nuisance from IT security measures and incorporate them more effectively into everyday life.
Many countries have tried to reduce the infection rate with the help of Covid-19 apps. These only make a difference if people use them. Recent surveys show which factors play a role for the user…
Cryptocurrencies are not subject to centralised governance. The community holds the power – but fails to do all that needs to be done. As a result, the collateral of the currency might be at risk.
The speakers of the Excellence Cluster, Eike Kiltz and M. Angela Sasse, give an insight into their research in the episode "Cryptography - quantum-resistant and humane".
Many encryption algorithms are mathematically proven to be one hundred per cent secure. Nevertheless, they sometimes fail to protect confidential data. This is because encryption doesn’t happen merely…
A group of young female participants was invited for a web application hacking workshop at the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy (MPI-SP) on 11-12 March 2023.
Attackers have the ability not only to manipulate software, but also to tamper with the hardware. A team from Bochum is devising methods to detect such tampering.
Attacks on the TLS protocol are both rare and highly complex. And yet, the encryption experts at Ruhr University Bochum are constantly tracking down new ones.
From June 27 to 29, 2023, the Cluster of Excellence CASA in Bochum organizes the WISC workshop for female PhD students and outstanding female students in IT security.
From January 24 to 25, 2023, the first HArdware Reverse engineeRIng workShop (HARRIS'23) took place at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. It was co-sponsored by the Cluster of Excellence CASA and the Max…
Media artist Marco Barotti's solo exhibition featured the artwork APES, created as part of the art-science residency of the CASA Cluster of Excellence, and explored the meaning of rituals in the…
Secret services want to know as much as possible. For example, they try to circumvent data encryption. This can cause collateral damage, warn Bochum researchers.
In the new episodes, exciting guests from the IT security ecosystem of the Ruhr area talk about backgrounds and current events in the field of cyber security.
From January 11 to 15, 2023, the artwork created as part of the art-science residency RE:SEARCHING IT SECURITY will be exhibited in Marco Barotti's solo exhibition "Rituals of Wasted Technology" in…
Using cloud services without running into trouble with the GDPR – the company Edgeless Systems makes it possible. Founder Dr. Felix Schuster reflects on the somewhat difficult entry into a new market.
For his research in the field of software security, Dr. Lucas Davi, CASA Principal Investigator and assistant professor at paluno, the Ruhr Institute for Software Technology at the University of…
Legal experts and software developers must work hand in hand to fulfill the necessary data protection requirements and implement software that is legally compliant. In a collaborative research project…
For their paper on security measures and trust processes in open source software, a team of IT security researchers received the Distinguished Paper Award at the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy…
Security experts from paluno, the Ruhr Institute for Software Technology at the University of Duisburg-Essen have developed a new technique that, for the first time, enables fuzz testing of protected…
RUB security researchers win worldwide NIST standardization process for post-quantum cryptography. This means that encryption methods developed in Bochum, which even quantum computers cannot crack,…
At the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy, two PhD positions are to be filled as soon as possible in cooperation with the RUB and the TU Braunschweig.
The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding the Collaborative Research Center CROSSING for further four years. CASA PI Lucas Davi is leading two subprojects in this third period, which focus on…
A professorship in Computing and Society is available at the Faculty of Computer Science for the Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security (RC Trust).
A professorship in Fairness and Transparency is available at the Faculty of Computer Science for the Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security (RC Trust).
Up to now, protecting hardware against manipulation has been a laborious business: expensive, and only possible on a small scale. And yet, two simple antennas might do the trick.
At the kick-off of the new lecture series of the Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security, the interdisciplinary research spectrum and future-oriented issues for an increasingly digital…
Wirelessly functioning devices, such as routers or voice assistants, are now omnipresent in our households. At the same time, wireless communication endangers our privacy: Passive eavesdroppers are…
Practical applications are often complex and mathematically messy – which is why theoretical research has often dealt with problems that have nothing to do with real-world situations. Eike Kiltz hopes…
History is full of unprecedented crimes. In the age of digitalisation, the scope has widened even more. Alena Naiakshina gives an example in the series "The greatest crimes".
At the end of the art-science residency RE:SEARCHING IT SECURITY, Marco Barotti will present his artwork APES on the RUB campus - before it starts its journey to international art festivals directly…
Within the framework of an art-science residency entitled "RE:SEARCHING IT SECURITY", an intensive collaboration between the HGI and media artist Marco Barotti takes place.
Artificial intelligence can imitate people’s voices. Scammers are already taking advantage of this on the phone. A team in Bochum is working on a solution.
Quantum computers are expected to transform processes in industry and society in the future. A research team consisting of the Cluster of Excellence CASA and the Max Planck Institute for Security and…
A W2-Tenure-Track-Professorship for Human Factors in Security and Privacy is to be filled at the Faculty of Computer Science of Ruhr-Universität Bochum at the earliest possible date.
The Faculty of Computer Science at Ruhr-Universität Bochum invites applications for a W1-Professorship (with Tenure Track W2) and a W3-Professorship for Privacy.
From September 28 to 30, the CASA Retreat 2021 took place in Velen. Over the course of three days, participants were offered a varied program of lectures, poster sessions and networking opportunities.…
After Prof. Dr. Thorsten Holz left the Ruhr-University Bochum after more than 11 years, there is now a new CASA speaker team, including Prof. Dr. Angela Sasse.
The first Women in Security and Cryptography (WISC) workshop of the CASA cluster of excellence took place from 21-23 September 2021. WISC is a sister event of the renowned computer security conference…
First SecHuman Winter School of the second funding period - in cooperation with CASA - on the focus "Gender and Diversity in Cybersecurity Research" takes place.
Since 2017, the European Competence Center for IT Security (eurobits e.V.), based in Bochum, Germany, has presented the annual eurobits Excellence Award to students who have written outstanding theses…
Popular unlocking patterns are often in the shape of a letter – and are easy to guess. A bad thing if someone loses their mobile phone and it ends up in the wrong hands.
For data protection reasons, the messaging app Signal is becoming ever more important. Unlike WhatsApp, the Signal app asks you to create a PIN during setup. But why?
Logging into an online shop without a password, using only the fingerprint? In this situation, it’s not surprising that users have the impression that their biometric data is transmitted to the…
A research team has discovered a security gap in modern mobile phones that is very unlikely to have been created by accident. In fact, it should have been removed back in 2013.
Services like Google collect a lot of data about their users. Anyone can see the information that is stored about them. But that doesn’t scare users away. On the contrary.
A special feature in PDF documents makes it possible for two contractual parties to sign them digitally one after the other. However, the second party can also change the content of the contract…
Christof Beierle, Prof. Gregor Leander, and HGI guest scientist Yosuke Todo receive an award for their paper "Improved Differential-Linear Attacks with Applications to ARX Ciphers."
This year's workshop for "Elliptic Curve Cryptography" started on Monday, 2.12.2019, at the event centre of the Ruhr-University. The ECC 2019 is funded by CASA.
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology is looking for alumnae in the field of engineering sciences for the project "We are shaping the future: Women engineers in focus".
A team of researchers from the Chair of Network and Data Security shows how how an attacker can exfiltrate the content without having the corresponding keys
The media coverage of Google's possible quantum supremacy shows how relevant the research on quantum-resistant algorithms is. CASA-Scientists are in the vanguard of the competition for their…
For a collaboration with investigative journalists, Prof. Thorsten Holz from the Chair of System Security analyzed the source code of a malicious software that was presumably used in Turkey to spy on…
High-profile victims include the corporations Thyssen-Krupp and Bayer. In collaboration with researchers from Bochum, the broadcasting companies Bayerischer Rundfunk and NDR have now exposed…
With his lecture on "Cyber and Hardware Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries" he was able to take the present political scientists into the world of IT security...
In cooperation with investigative journalists of the Süddeutsche Zeitung and the NDR, Prof. Dr. Thorsten Holz and doctoral student Moritz Contag have clarified the technical details behind "Operation…
Prof. Dr. Christof Paar is an expert in applied cryptography at the Ruhr Universität Bochum (RUB) - and has been researching IT security for more than 20 years. Now the National Academy of Sciences…
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