Embedded Security
This Research Area is driven by the following Principal Investigators (PIs): Gilles Barthe, Holger Boche, Holger Dette, Tim Güneysu, Cătălin Hrițcu, Martin Johns, Eike Kiltz, Gregor Leander, Alexander May, Veelasha Moonsamy, Amir Moradi, Christof Paar, Konrad Rieck, Peter Schwabe, Aydin Sezgin and Yuval Yarom. As Associated PI, Pascal Sasdrich conducts research in this hub.
In Research Area B, the interaction of security systems with their physical environment will be investigated.
Platform Trojans
This Research Focus will investigate low-level manipulations of platform Trojans. We will investigate the design space of such Trojans in order to have a sound threat assessment and to develop a new generation of countermeasures.
Physical-Layer Security
CASA will investigate how new security primitives can be realized using information from the physical layer. Our goal is to extend the set of existing security building blocks, including functions that provide information theoretical security.
Next-Generation Implementation Security
The overarching objective of this Research Focus is to dramatically improve the state of the art of protection mechanisms against physical attacks. CASA will investigate how future computer hardware will influence the resistance against implementation attacks and devise new tools that yield provably-secure countermeasures.