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Horst Görtz In­sti­tut für IT-Si­cher­heit
Ruhr-Uni­ver­si­tät Bo­chum
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44780 Bo­chum
Phone: +49 234 3229274
eMail: christina.scholten(at)
Responsible party in accordance with the German Press Law (V.i.S.d.P.): Christina Scholten



Christina Scholten
Te­le­fon: +49 234 3229274


Some of the images used on this website come from image services. The copyright of these images belongs to the respective photographers. Here you can find information about the sources/copyrights of the images used:

Home: CASA, Fabian Riediger

About CASA: Header: fotolia/ monsitj; CASA, Fabian Riediger; Kachel 1:unsplash: ian schneider; Kachel2: CASA, Fabian Riediger; Kachel3: INDEED Photography, Simon Bierwald; Kachel 4: WrightStudio

Team: unsplash: ian schneider; RUB, Katja Marquard

Management: CASA, Fabian Riediger; Team Photos: Caroline Schreer; Michael Schwettmann

Network: INDEED Photography, Simon Bierwald

Participating Institutions: WrightStudio

Awards: Maryna Stryzhak

Research: Header: Fotolia/ Sashkin; Kachel1: iStock: BrianAJackson; Kachel2: INDEED Photography/ Simon Bierwald; Kachel3: INDEED Photography/ Simon Bierwald; Kachel4: Usability: VideoFlow

Research Hub A: Future Cryptography: iStock: BrianAJackson; CASA

Research Hub B: Embedded Security: INDEED Photography/ Simon Bierwald; CASA

Research Hub C: Secure Systems: INDEED Photography/ Simon Bierwald; CASA

Research Hub D: VideoFlow, CASA

CASA Tranferlab: shutterstock, Mikko Lemola

Jobs: CASA, Schreer, Schwettmann; Icons: Eli Berr, bsd studio, Happy Art; RUB, Marquardt; Dominik Baumgarten; INDEED Photography, Simon Bierwald; RUB, Tim Kramer; RUB, Marquard; Copyright: AdobeStock, PattySia; ITS.Connect

Doctoral and Postdoctoral Positions: CASA

CASA Jump.Start Program for Postdocs: CASA

Early Career: CASA, Björn Schreiber; Kacheln: INDEED Photography, Simon Bierwald

CASA Graduate School: CASA, Björn Schreiber; INDEED Photography, Simon Bierwald; unsplash: Vladislav Klapin

Postdoc Program: CASA, Björn Schreiber; INDEED Photography, Simon Bierwald

Junior Faculty Program: CASA, Björn Schreiber; INDEED Photography, Simon Bierwald

Professional Preparation Program: INDEED Photography, Simon Bierwald; Cube 5

Equal Opportunities: RUB, Tim Kramer; Kachel1: CASA, Eva Ewerhart; Kachel2: CASA, Michael Schwettmann; Kachel3: CASA, Tim Kramer, Kachel4: CASA

Women in IT Security: Vector Tradition, pro500, artbalitskiy, Angelov, Nattle, MicroOne, alhontess

Diversity Mentoring: CASA, Michael Schwettmann

Childcare: CASA, Michael Schwettmann

Dual Career: CASA, Tim Kramer

Gender Sensitive Communication: kasto; CASA

Outreach: INDEED Photography/ Simon Bierwald; Lea Gabler, RUB, CASA; CASA, Ira Marcks

Outreach/Art-Science Residency: Copyright: CASA, Marco Barotti; Lea Gabler; CASA, Ralf Baecker; RUB, Tim Kramer; CASA; Marco Barotti; fotogestoeber

Outreach/Art Installation: CASA, Ralf Baecker; Ralf Baecker; fotogestoeber

Outreach/RUBIN: RUB, Michael Schwettmann

Outreach/Science Comic: CASA; fotogestoeber

Outreach/Coloring Book: CASA, Ira Marcks; Ira Marcks

Outreach/Podcasts: Alex from the Rock; Exzellent Erklärt / CASA, Cherezoff; Cube5, Nachgehackt; Alex from the Rock

Events: shutterstock, Matej Kastelic

Events/WISC: CASA; CASA, Mareen Meyer; fotogestoeber

Events/CASA Summer School: CASA; fotogestoeber

Events/Distinguished Lecture: CASA

Events/CyBARsecurity: Ірина

News: unsplash: absolutvision, robin-worrall; shutterstock, Matej Kastelic

In the Media: RUB, Tim Kramer

Social Media: RUB, Michael Schwettmann

Events: shutterstock, Matej Kastelic

Distinguished Lecture: CASA

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