Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: shutterstock, Matej Kastelic


Lectures, conferences, summer schools or workshops - with our diverse events we offer scientists and the interested public insights into our research as well as various opportunities for further education and dialogue. Numerous formats offer space for exchange on exciting research topics and the opportunity to establish valuable contacts in the scientific community.

Overview of the Events of Our Cluster

Besides a number of nonrecurring events, there are also a number of regularly scheduled events that take place at the CASA Cluster of Excellence. These include, for example:

Current CASA-Events

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: CASA

CASA Distinguished Lectures

In our CASA Distinguished Lectures, we welcome selected international and national scientists at the HGI. The lectures of these influential and pioneering guest speakers, usually lasting one hour, are always followed by a discussion with the participants. Our goal is to encourage discussions and open up new perspectives within the field of cybersecurity research.

More information about the CASA Distinguished Lecture

Visual of the Women's Regulars Table

Copyright: CASA

Women in IT Security: ITS better toGATHER! / Bi-weekly

Every second Thursday, Women in IT Security: ITS better toGATHER! takes place.

Next date: to be announced

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: CASA, Fabian Riediger

CASA Summer School

August 26 to 30, 2024

The CASA Summer School is an annual event that offers young researchers exciting lectures by high-ranking speakers and an opportunity for international exchange. We cordially invite doctoral students and advanced master's students from the field of cyber security to Bochum, who can qualify in advance in an application process.

More information about the Summer School

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: CASA

Women in Security and Cryptography Workshop (WISC)


The workshop is aimed at PhD students and outstanding female students in the field of cyber security and offers expert presentations and exchanges of senior and junior female researchers in this field. The goal of WISC is to build a strong international network of junior women researchers and create a valuable academic program. WISC is held on a biennial basis. After the WISC had to be held digitally in 2021 due to pandemic, CASA welcomes female scientists in 2023 on-site in Bochum for three exciting days of learning and networking.

More information about the workshop and registration

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: Ірина


Science Talks on Cybersecurity

In our event series, our scientists take you inside their research projects and explain, in an easy-to-understand way, why cybersecurity is so important for our digital society.

More Information

Previous Events of Our Cluster

Since the launch of our Cluster of Excellence in 2019, we have frequently offered exciting events to our CASA members, (international) young researchers and the interested public. In particular, we attach great importance to a broad range of different interactive formats that promote dialogue. Our goal is to open up new perspectives within cyber security research and promote knowledge transfer. Since 2019, events organized and hosted by CASA have included:

Sponsored Events

In addition to organizing various events, CASA also sponsors numerous national and international conferences and events in the field of cyber security, including:

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