Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: CASA, Schwettmann

Science Comics

Using vivid pictures to convey complex knowledge about cyber security - that is the goal of our science comics project. In line with our four Research Hubs, four comic books will be created in the coming months that will provide a colorful insight into the research projects and challenges of our researchers at our Cluster of Excellence CASA. Readers can expect exciting stories, real life stories and a CASA wiki that explains all the important terms!


► The comics are created in collaboration with Ellery Studio, Berlin.


Copyright: CASA, Schwettmann

Gruppenfoto zu CASA Comic von Hub A

Copyright: CASA, Marquard


Copyright: CASA, Marquard


Copyright: CASA, Kramer


Copyright: HGI, Schwettmann


Copyright: CASA, Meyer

Comic about Research Hub A - Future Cryptography

The Secrets of Hub A and the Traces of the Cookies

A Journey through the future of cryptography and the exciting research world of CASA.

What is safe today may be an open secret tomorrow. This is especially true in the digital sphere: from mass surveillance and post-quantum cryptography to safe routing and encryption. Follow the curious little fox Whitfield on his chase through Hub A. Will he manage all the twists and turns along the way?

Find out more here!

Flip Through the Comic

PDF Download

If you're interested in the print editions of our comics, please contact us.

Scientific Background

The concepts and methods presented in this comic were developed by our researchers involved in the Cluster of Excellence CASA. The original publications can be found here:

For more information about Research Hub A, click here.

Insights into the Comic about Hub A

Ausschnitt aus dem Comic von Hub A

Copyright: CASA

Ausschnitt aus dem Comic von Hub A

Copyright: CASA

Ausschnitt aus dem Comic von Hub A

Copyright: CASA

Comic about Research Hub B - Embedded Security

A Deep Dive Into Hub B and the Swirl of Embedded Security

A Journey Into the Depths of Hardware Security and the Exciting Research World of CASA

From Hardware Trojans to Side-Channel Attacks, it has become clear that hardware can also be the target of attacks. As systems fall into the hands of various and potentially malicious users, numerous opportunities arise to breach such seemingly and allegedly secure systems. Follow fearless beaver Paul on his dive into the research findings of CASA’s Hub B. Will he solve the mystery of his family’s unstable dam? Have they become the target of a large-scale adversary?

Find out more!

Flip through the Comic:

English  German

PDF Download:

English  German

If you're interested in the print editions of our comics, please contact us.

Insights into the Comic about Hub B

Ausschnitt aus dem Comic von Hub B

Copyright: CASA

Ausschnitt aus dem Comic von Hub B

Copyright: CASA

Ausschnitt aus dem Comic von Hub B

Copyright: CASA

Comic about Research Hub C - Secure Systems

What’s the Fuzz About Hub C and the Missing Carrots?

A Journey through the secrets of secure systems and the exciting research world of CASA.

The world is awash with digital security threats; attackers will not stop at carrot stashes. Today's carrot stash could be tomorrow's central bank. Can brave Betty save her fellow bunnies? And what role does CASA's Hub C research play in fighting this evil?

Find out more here!

Flip Through the Comic:

English  German

PDF Download:

English  German

If you're interested in the print editions of our comics, please contact us.

Insights into the Comic about Hub C

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: CASA

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: CASA

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: CASA

Comic about Research Hub D - Usability

Hub D and the Rumble in the Jungle of Usability

A Journey to the Mysteries of Usability and the Exciting Research World of CASA

How can IT specialists and security experts combine their skills in the best way? Which tools may help to get closer to the goal of security and privacy by design? And what about the user experience for the diverse crowd of end users? Join chameleon Maggie on her expedition to CASA's Hub D in search of a purposeful profession. Will she find the clearing of enlightenment in the information jungle?

Find out more here!

Flip Through the Comic

PDF Download

If you're interested in the print editions of our comics, please contact us.

Insights into the Comic about Hub D

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: CASA

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: CASA

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: CASA

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: fotogestoeber

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Christina Scholten

Marketing & Public Relations
MC 0/79
(+49) (0)234 - 3229274


Print Editions of the Comics:

If you have any questions about our project or are interested in print editions of our comics, please feel free to contact Christina Scholten.


All contents, especially texts and graphics are protected by copyright. All rights, including reproduction, publication, editing and translation, are reserved, Cluster of Excellence CASA.