Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: Alex from the Rock

Podcasts on Cyber Security

Listen to Cyber Security: In various podcasts, our Principal Investigators (PIs) provide insights into their research, discuss current topics and trends, and raise awareness for the topic of Cyber Security.

CASA in the Science Podcast "Exzellent Erklärt"

The science podcast "Exzellent erklärt – Spitzenforschung für alle" presents all the clusters of excellence that are funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) as part of the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments. The format reflects their research diversity: from A for ancient research to Q for Quantum Computers to T for Tactile Internet.

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: Exzellent Erklärt / CASA

In episode 53 "Cryptography Meets Artifical Intelligence" of the podcast „Exzellent erklärt – Spitzenforschung für alle“, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christof Paar and Prof. Dr. Asja Fischer discuss current challenges at the intersection of encryption and machine learning. Cryptography expert Christof Paar explains the threats posed by modern attacks – from hardware trojans to AI-driven assaults – and how innovative encryption methods can counteract them. Additionally, Prof. Dr. Asja Fischer provides insights into how artificial intelligence is not only used for attacks but also offers new possibilities for improving IT security.

To the Podcast Episode

Visual von Podcast Exzellent erklärt

Copyright: Exzellent Erklärt / CASA, Cherezoff

In episode 28 "Cryptography - quantum resistant and human" of the podcast, Prof. Eike Kiltz and Prof. M. Angela Sasse present the research work of the Cluster of Excellence CASA. Thus, cryptographer Eike Kiltz explains in conversation with podcaster Larissa Vassilian how encryption algorithms designed by him will continue to protect our data from quantum computers in the future and what severe mathematical problems have to do with it. In the second part of the podcast, listeners learn from M. Angela Sasse why it is so important within cyber security to always think about people - and what misconceptions, from her point of view, can prevail on the part of security experts and users when it comes to the topic of cybersecurity.

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Nachgehackt – the Podcast on IT Security

Visual von Podcast Nachgehackt

Copyright: Cube5, Nachgehackt

Cyber security concerns everyone. But many people are still frightened by the topic. People often claim that it's all too complex, too complicated, too incomprehensible. The "Nachgehackt" format wants to change that. In the podcast, topics and areas related to cyber security are presented in an easily accessible and entertaining way. Hosts Henrik Hanses (until 2023) and Henrike Tönnes (since 2023) interview researchers, experts and other exciting guests from the cyber security scene around Bochum.

The podcast is presented by Cube 5, the Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security, the CASA Cluster of Excellence and PHYSEC GmbH. It is also supported by Bochum Economic Development and eurobits e. V.

Nachgehackt is available on Podigee, Spotify, Apple Podcast and everywhere else where podcasts are available. "Nachgehackt" can be seen as a video podcast on YouTube.

CASA Researchers in other Podcasts

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: Alex from the Rock






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