Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: iStock: BrianAJackson

Icon Kryptography

Key achievements

  1. quantum-resistant cryptography
  2. cryptography with provable security against mass surveillance
  3. provable privacy for real-world protocols

Weitere Einblicke in die Forschung von Hub A gibt unser Wissenschaftscomic.

Future Cryptography

This hub is driven by the following Principal Investigators (PIs): Gilles Barthe, Holger Boche, Lucas Davi, Holger Dette, Markus Dürmuth, Nils Fleischhacker, Tim Güneysu, Cătălin Hrițcu, Eike Kiltz, Tanja Lange, Gregor Leander, Giulio Malavolta, Alexander May, Christof Paar, Konrad Rieck, Clara Schneidewind, Peter Schwabe, Jörg Schwenk and Michael Walter.

Our primary goal is to develop basic cryptographic solutions against large-scale adversaries.

Cryptography Against Mass Surveillance

Large-scale adversaries may use sophisticated attack methods such as artificially weakening algorithms in standardization bodies and introducing backdoors in encryption schemes with the intention to carry out mass surveillance. Our goal is to formalize security models that defend against these novel attacks, and to develop cryptographic solutions that are provably secure in the newly developed models.

Quantum-Resistant Cryptography

We aim to find practical encryption and signature schemes from codes/lattices that offer provable security against quantum computers.

Foundations of Privacy

We will study novel privacy-related issues that arise if sensitive Big Data is stored in the Cloud and develop efficient cryptographic solutions for them.