
Registration for CASA Summer School on Backdoors and Trojans, June 22 - 25/26th, started

Top IT security researchers will talk about different aspects of Trojans in a unique holistic manner.

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Copyright: CASA

The first CASA Summer School on Backdoors and Trojans (June 22 - 25/26th, 2020, Bochum) is all about Trojans and its different aspects. A distinguishing feature of the event is the holistic approach under which the topic will be discussed. Premium IT security researchers will give lectures on four days:

Dan Bernstein (ehemaliger CASA PI) and Tanja Lange will talk about crypto-based Trojans, with a focus on the threat posed by standardization. Christof Paar and his team will how hardware reverse engineering in the context of low-level hardware Trojans. Angela Sasse will discuss the role that human factors play in introducing and avoiding Trojans. Lucas Davi will highlight how software-based crypto Trojans can be realized in real-world settings.

We invite young scholars from all disciplines to participate at the CASA Summer School. We appreciate participants working in technical areas as well as from the humanities. For registration, please follow this link. Scholarships, especially to women, will be awareded. Registration is on a "first come, first served" basis and space is limited to 52 participants.

Get more information about the program and the applications for scholarships here.

Women in IT Security Workshop

After the CASA Summer School on Backdoors and Trojans, the Women in IT Security Workshop will take place from 25-26 June. Speakers are Dr. Melanie Rieback, CEO/co-founder of Radical Open Security, and Jiska Classen, postdoctoral researcher at the Secure Mobile Networking Lab, TU Darmstadt. The event, which is divided into an evening by the fireside dinner and a workshop with capture-the-flag game, can be attended not only by participants of the CASA Summer School on Backdoors and Trojans: It is open to all interested ITS women. To register for the workshop only, please click here.


General note: In case of using gender-assigning attributes we include all those who consider themselves in this gender regardless of their own biological sex.