Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

CASA Summer School

The CASA Summer School is an annual event that offers young researchers interesting lectures by high-ranking speakers and the opportunity for international exchange. We cordially invite doctoral students and advanced master's students from the field of cyber security to participate. They can qualify in advance through an application process.

CASA RCT Summer School 2025: Cyber and Societal Security in the AI Era

Join us for the CASA RCT Summer School 2025, an engaging and insightful event focusing on Cyber and Societal Security in the AI Era. Hosted at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany) from June 23 to 27, 2025, this summer school provides an excellent opportunity for students and researchers to deepen their understanding of security challenges and solutions in the age of artificial intelligence.


Who Can Participate?

The summer school is open to:

  • Master's students
  • PhD students
  • Postdoctoral researchers
  • Advanced bachelor's students close to graduation


Program Highlights

  • Thorough lectures and discussions on cybersecurity, AI-driven threats, and societal security
  • Detailed sessions led by leading researchers in the field
  • Interactive segments designed to promote collaboration and knowledge exchange


How to Apply?

Applications open towards the end of March 2025 via this homepage.

Program Chairs

  • Asja Fischer
  • Ghassan Karame
  • Bilal Zafar

Review: CASA Summer School 2024 On Cryptography

Hands-on learning is a cornerstone of academic growth, and this was also the focus of this year's Summer School crypt@b-it 2024. From August 26 to 30, early-career researchers gathered at Ruhr University Bochum's "Beckmanns Hof" to explore a range of topics in cryptography.

The event featured speakers Prof. Léo Ducas (Leiden University), Anca Nitulescu (Input Output Global, Paris), and Maximilian Gebhardt (German Federal Office for Information Security, BSI). It was organized by the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), Fachgruppe Kryptologie (FG Krypto), CASA, and the b-it (Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology), in collaboration with the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR).

A more detailed insight can be found here

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: CASA, Hagedorn

Review: CASA Summer School 2023 On Software Security

Creativity is always part of science, and this year's CASA Summer School on Software Security was no exception. The three-day event took place from August 14-16 at the Beckmanns-Hof of the Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) under the chairmanship of the CASA PIs Prof. Kevin BorgolteProf. Marcel Böhme and Prof. Alena Naiakshina.

The program included not only classical talks where international speakers gave exciting insights into their research. A Capture the Flag Contest, a Science Escape Game and a Summer Pitch gave participants the opportunity to engage with the topic in a playful way.

Invited to Bochum were Prof. Eric Bodden (Heinz Nixdorf Institute at the University of Paderborn and Fraunhofer IEM), Prof. Helen Sharp (The Open University), Prof. Fish Wang (Arizona State University), Prof. Andreas Zeller (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security), and Prof. Verena Zimmermann (ETH Zurich). In addition, Dr. Tamara Lopez (The Open University) and Fabian Schiebel (Fraunhofer Institute for Mechatronics Design IEM) gave concurrent tutorials.

Diverse and engaging presentations
Helen Sharp kicked off the Summer School program with a keynote on "Secure code development in practice: the developer's point of view". The first day continued with a spotlight on the human factor in cyber security: In her keynote "Human-Centered Security: Focusing on the human in IT security and privacy research", Verena Zimmermann reflected on the psychological aspects of cyber security and their consideration in the design of usable security and privacy solutions. On the second day, the attendees gained exciting insights into "Language Based Fuzzing", which was addressed by Andreas Zeller from CISPA. Eric Bodden presented his research in his keynote on "Managing the Dependency Hell - Challenges and Current Approaches to Software Composition Analysis" and provided a deeper understanding of the subject.

"For me, the CASA Summer School was a successful event due to the diverse and engaging presentations and tutorials by excellent researchers and the active interaction of highly qualified and motivated participants," summarizes Alena Naiakshina. In her opinion, summer schools are always a good opportunity for early career researchers to meet leading experts in their respective fields and to foster interdisciplinary perspectives and the development of new ideas.

Security Exit Game for a playful approach
To generate ideas at all, you have to be creative - as in the playful approach in the form of a card-based security exit game presented by speaker Prof. Verena Zimmermann from ETH Zurich. The game is part of a research project that Zimmermann is working on with her student Linda Fanconi. "Various studies have shown that people find cybersecurity important, but on the other hand it has many negative associations: too complex, sometimes scary, and at the same time too boring. We developed the game to give people a positive approach to the topic," explains Zimmermann. At the CASA Summer School, participants were able to try out the prototype and experience not only the fun of the game, but also the practical aspects of human-centered security.

Networking in a relaxed atmosphere
Besides the mix of topics like testing, fuzzing and developer-centered security presented by the high-ranking speaker the venue Beckmannshof contributed to the participants' positive experience, says Naiakshina. Attendee Kushal Ramkumar from the University College Dublin was also pleased by the variety of topics: "The CASA Summer School is very well organized and I learned a lot about topics I didn't know so well before."

Whether at the evening BBQ or during the guided tour of the adjacent botanical garden: There was plenty of opportunity to network in a relaxed atmosphere. "Events like the Summer School are very important to me to keep myself up-to-date with the latest research. Of course, you can learn a lot from literature, but in a setting like this, you can speak directly to the authors and get their thoughts on a topic. These conversations might spark interesting collaborations and also provide some new perspectives on my own research," says Kushal Ramkumar.

The next Summer School will take place from August 26-30, 2024, in cooperation with Crypt@b-it in Bochum.

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: CASA

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: CASA, Mareen Meyer

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Scientific coordination team, Copyright: CASA, Mareen Meyer

Impressions from the CASA Summer School 2022

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: CASA, Mareen Meyer

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: CASA, Mareen Meyer

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: CASA, Mareen Meyer

Review: CASA Summer School 2022 On Blockchain Security

The CASA Summer School 2022 was held from June 20-23 at the Beckmannshof conference center at the RUB. Focus of the event was the topic "Blockchain Security". About 40 participants enjoyed exciting lectures, worked together in hands-on sessions, and used the opportunity to network.

Among the speakers at the Summer School were Elli Androulaki (IBM Research), Ghassan Karame (CASA), Lucas Davi (Universität Duisburg-Essen) und Clara Schneidewind (Max-Planck-Institut for Security and Privacy).

You will find the detailed reporting on the event here.

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Copyright: CASA, Fabian Riediger

Impressions from the CASA Summer School 2022

[Translate to Englisch:] Ghassan Karame speaks at the CASA Summer School 22.

Ghassan Karame on Bitcoin Security. Copyright: CASA, Fabian Riediger

[Translate to Englisch:] Die CASA Summer School 22 war eine gute Gelegenheit zum Netzwerken.

Copyright: CASA, Fabian Riediger

Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Participants of the CASA Summer School 22. Copyright: CASA, Fabian Riediger


Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries

Johanna Luttermann
CASA Graduate School