
Regulars' Table: Women in IT Security - ITS better toGATHER!

The regulars' table takes place every second Thursday in MC 5/131 at 4 PM.

Copyright: CASA/ Robrahn

"Women in IT Security: ITS better toGATHER!": CASA has launched a networking get-together for women in the field of IT security under this name. Here, participants have the opportunity to exchange ideas and expand their academic network in a targeted manner. Renowned female experts from science and industry regularly give inspiring talks on current cyber security topics.

Where: Meeting point MC 5/131

When: Every 2. Thursday. The upcoming regulars' table takes places on November 14, following the workshop with Dr. Diana B. Allen.

Registration: Not necessary

CASA invites all those interested to exchange experiences, socialise and, of course, have a coffee.

General note: In case of using gender-assigning attributes we include all those who consider themselves in this gender regardless of their own biological sex.