Michael Walter
Institution: Ruhr-Universität Bochum / CASA
Research Hub(s):
Hub A: Future Cryptography
E-Mail: Michael.Walter@rub.de
Adress: MC 1.89
Website: https://qi.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/walter
A Computational Tsirelson's Theorem for the Value of Compiled XOR Games Robust Quantum Public-Key Encryption with Applications to Quantum Key Distribution A mathematical foundation for self-testing: Lifting common assumptions Robust Quantum Public-Key Encryption with Applications to Quantum Key Distribution The Minimal Canonical Form of a Tensor Network Public-Key Encryption with Quantum Keys Maximum likelihood estimation for tensor normal models via castling transforms A Converse to Lieb–Robinson Bounds in One Dimension Using Index Theory Horn conditions for quiver subrepresentations and the moment map The Minimal Canonical Form of a Tensor Network Matchgate benchmarking: Scalable benchmarking of a continuous family of many-qubit gates Quantum gravity in the lab. I. Teleportation by size and traversable wormholes Quantum gravity in the lab. II. Teleportation by size and traversable wormholes Weakening Assumptions for Publicly-Verifiable Deletion Interior-Point Methods on Manifolds: Theory and Applications Thrifty shadow estimation: re-using quantum circuits and bounding tails