Michael Walter
Institution: Ruhr-Universität Bochum / CASA
Research Hub(s):
Hub A: Kryptographie der Zukunft
E-Mail: Michael.Walter@rub.de
Adresse: MC 1.89
Website: https://qi.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/walter
Matchgate benchmarking: Scalable benchmarking of a continuous family of many-qubit gates Public-Key Encryption with Quantum Keys A mathematical foundation for self-testing: Lifting common assumptions Robust Quantum Public-Key Encryption with Applications to Quantum Key Distribution A Computational Tsirelson's Theorem for the Value of Compiled XOR Games The Minimal Canonical Form of a Tensor Network Robust Quantum Public-Key Encryption with Applications to Quantum Key Distribution Weakening Assumptions for Publicly-Verifiable Deletion The Minimal Canonical Form of a Tensor Network Horn conditions for quiver subrepresentations and the moment map A Converse to Lieb–Robinson Bounds in One Dimension Using Index Theory Maximum likelihood estimation for tensor normal models via castling transforms Quantum gravity in the lab. I. Teleportation by size and traversable wormholes Quantum gravity in the lab. II. Teleportation by size and traversable wormholes Thrifty shadow estimation: re-using quantum circuits and bounding tails Interior-Point Methods on Manifolds: Theory and Applications