Gregor Leander
Institution: Ruhr-Universität Bochum / CASA
Research Hub(s):
Hub A: Kryptographie der Zukunft
Hub B: Eingebettete Sicherheit
Hub D: Benutzerfreundlichkeit
E-Mail: Gregor.Leander@rub.de
Adresse: MC 1/42
Website: https://informatik.rub.de/leander/
Twitter: @GregorLeander
HAWKEYE – Recovering Symmetric Cryptography From Hardware Circuits PRINCEv2 - More Security for (Almost) No Overhead Breaking HALFLOOP-24 New Attacks from Old Distinguishers Improved Attacks on Serpent New Instances of Quadratic APN Functions Decomposing Linear Layers Simon's Algorithm and Symmetric Crypto: Generalizations and Automatized Applications On Perfect Linear Approximations and Differentials over Two-Round SPNs SCARF: A Low-Latency Block Cipher for Secure Cache-Randomization A Cautionary Note on Protecting Xilinx' UltraScale(+) Bitstream Encryption and Authentication Engine Trims and extensions of quadratic APN functions Improved Differential-Linear Attacks with Applications to ARX Ciphers Strong and Tight Security Guarantees Against Integral Distinguishers The SPEEDY Family of Block Ciphers - Engineering an Ultra Low-Latency Cipher from Gate Level for Secure Processor Architectures Improved Differential-Linear Attacks with Applications to ARX Ciphers Out of Oddity – New Cryptanalytic Techniques against Symmetric Primitives Optimized for Integrity Proof Systems Modeling for Three-Subset Division Property without Unknown Subset -Improved Cube Attacks against Trivium and Grain-128AEAD Generic Framework for Key-Guessing Improvements Cryptanalysis of the GPRS Encryption Algorithms GEA-1 and GEA-2 ClepsydraCache - Preventing Cache Attacks with Time-Based Evictions Constructing and Deconstructing Intentional Weaknesses in Symmetric Ciphers SKINNY-AEAD and SKINNY-Hash Lower Bounds on the Degree of Block Ciphers