Quantum Communication Networks (Monograph)
2021Konferenz / Journal
Gisbert Janssen Sajad Saeedinaeeni Frank H. P. Fitzek Christian Deppe Holger Boche Riccardo Bassoli
Research Hub
Research Hub A: Kryptographie der Zukunft
Research Hub B: Eingebettete Sicherheit
Research Challenges
RC 2: Quantum-Resistant Cryptography
RC 5: Physical-Layer Security
This book provides a tutorial on quantum communication networks. The authors discuss current paradigm shifts in communication networks that are needed to add computing and storage to the simple transport ideas of prevailing networks. They show how these ‘softwarized’ solutions break new grounds to reduce latency and increase resilience. The authors discuss how even though these solutions have inherent problems due to introduced computing latency and energy consumption, the problems can be solved by hybrid classical-quantum communication networks. The book brings together quantum networking, quantum information theory, quantum computing, and quantum simulation.