Alexander May
Institution: Ruhr-Universität Bochum / CASA
Research Hub(s):
Hub A: Kryptographie der Zukunft
Hub B: Eingebettete Sicherheit
E-Mail: Alex.May@rub.de
Adresse: MC EG 29
Website: https://informatik.rub.de/may/
Twitter: @AlexanderMay10
Low Weight Discrete Logarithms and Subset Sum in 2^0.65n with Polynomial Memory How Not to Protect Your IP - An Industry-Wide Break of IEEE 1735 Implementations Quantum Period Finding is Compression Robust Towards Quantum Large-Scale Password Guessing on Real-World Distributions Noisy Simon Period Finding Can we Beat the Square Root Bound for ECDLP over Fp^2 via Representations? The Power of Few Qubits and Collisions - Subset Sum below Grover's Bound Improved Low-Memory Subset Sum and LPN Algorithms via Multiple Collisions