Eike Kiltz
Institution: Ruhr-Universität Bochum / CASA
Research Hub(s):
Hub A: Kryptographie der Zukunft
Hub B: Eingebettete Sicherheit
Hub C: Sichere Systeme
Hub D: Benutzerfreundlichkeit
E-Mail: Eike.Kiltz@rub.de
Adresse: MC EG 22
Website: https://informatik.rub.de/kiltz/
Twitter: @crypto_theory
Everybody’s a Target: Scalability in Public-Key Encryption On the Impossibility of Purely Algebraic Signatures Faster Lattice-based KEMs via a Generic Fujisaki-Okamoto Transform Using Prefix Hashing Password-Authenticated Key Exchange from Group Actions Group Action Key Encapsulation and Non-Interactive Key Exchange in the QROM Generic Models for Group Actions Server-Aided Continuous Group Key Agreement Thorough Treatment of Highly-Efficient NTRU Instantiations The Pre-Shared Key Modes of HPKE Ring Signatures for Deniable AKEM: Gandalf's Fellowship Analysing the HPKE Standard Lossy Trapdoor Permutations with Improved Lossiness A Modular Treatment of Blind Signatures from Identification Schemes Generic Authenticated Key Exchange in the Quantum Random Oracle Model Lattice-Based Blind Signatures, Revisited Tightly-Secure Authenticated Key Exchange, Revisited Authenticated Key Exchange and Signatures with Tight Security in the Standard Model